Monday, 3 December 2012

Holiday Event Networking Tips

‘Tis the season……to network!

At this time of year we all have the big three business holiday events:

  1. The team holiday lunchHolidayNetworking
  2. The company holiday party
  3. The industry holiday mixer

All three are great opportunities to network. I hope these tips help:

Know thyself. Do you get energy from crowds or do they drain you? If you love to mix it up, get in there but stay focused on circulation and constructive conversation. If this takes effort, rest up before, have a plan even a number of people in your mind and yes, leave early. No shame in being yourself, just be your best self.

Carry cards. Do I really have to say this? I meet dozens of people at events called “the official office networking party” and they brought 10 cards. Carry 10 on your person and keep 25 in your purse or work bag. You don’t go on a road trip with an empty tank of gas, you don’t network without plenty of cards – business cards are your fuel to keep the conversation going after the holidays. Give them out only when you feel follow up would be of value. Don’t be these guys.

holidaypartyEat, drink and be merry? Yes of course! But of course, in moderation. Eat before all business functions so you’re not chasing down the guy with the cocktail shrimp and you can refuse anything that will explode when you bite it. Enjoy a drink, it helps loosen the nerves, I get it. But not so loose what happens next ends up on YouTube. At the company lunch, order something you can talk over, it’s not about the food!

Put the phone away. Hey, many folks know me as Mr. Twitter at industry events and that’s social business in 2012. At ‘company’ events though, put the phone away. It’s almost as bad as scanning the room over people’s shoulder. Do not check email, do not ignore your guests or staff, you look like a tool. Want to work? Just go back to your office. Want to build relationships with new partners? Strengthen your team? BE PRESENT.

Tag team, not whole team. Bunching up with your office mates at the company party is like hiding in the washroom with your friends at the stwoleggedracechool dance. You came to meet people, so meet them. But hey, human nature craves safety so take a tip from the authors of my favourite networking book and tag team! Click here for more. Look for people you don’t know, ask what they do. Why aren’t you working together? The holidays are as much about internal networking as they are about external business development.

Stack the deck. When it comes to industry or sector events, send out a bunch of emails ( or tweets ) to people you know you are probably going to see and pre-start a conversation you can pick up while there. You’re setting up meetings in a meeting and your time there is guaranteed well invested. Tell peers you’re looking to meet someone specific and you need an introduction! And if you don’t get to see them? A perfect excuse to meet in the new year.

Prepare yourself and team. Now is the time to brush up on your mechanics, body language, a sincere smile, the secret handshake to build teamtrust – here are my top networking books for ‘talkers’ and ‘thinkers’ with every secret on networking ever learned. Read one, rock the holidays and start 2013 off right! Remember to share your schedule and strategy with your staff and spouse if you’re “the boss”. They will be less annoyed with you if they’re ready too ( and know when to tell you, it’s time to go ).

Prepare promises, follow up! Another seemingly no brainer but hey, this is the busiest time of year for many. It’s not easy to come back from an event the night before ( exhausted usually ) and send out cards or emails. So handwrittencardprepare what you’re to promise and get the email with the link ready, photocopy that article and get those cards ready to hand write! Sending a follow up card with a “nice to meet you” in it isn’t worth the postage! Some great tips on holiday cards here.

I leave you with some tips on networking at holiday events… please share your tips with me below!

Thanks for reading, Paul

Sunday, 25 November 2012

A tip right from LinkedIn and the Endorsements conundrum

How often do you get to attend a talk by an actual employee of LinkedIn? I was lucky enough to do so this week and he left me with a profound thought, a very practical tip and momentum for a concern I’ve had for weeks.

PerryMonacoHis name is Perry Monaco and although he had a long career in recruiting, he wasn’t the pinstriped-suit business type I expected from LinkedIn. His twitter handle is @ElvisRun as he loves Elvis and runs marathons. Perry’s speaking session started quirky and unTED-like. It made me uncomfortable. Then I realized that he was telling a story, his story, and what he was here to do for us. His connection with the group came slower than traditional talks, but it was a stronger connection because he took the time to tell us who he was, storyprofessionally but with personality. It was brilliant. His most powerful tip that he left me with, goes beyond what I often call LinkedIN, a digital handshake. Perry tells us it should tell “your career story”. Where you’ve been, what you do now, and where you are going. Moving beyond resume, to  relationship – after all isn’t that why people look you up on LinkedIn?

Working for LinkedIn gives Perry insight into the search algorithm that no one else, even I a LinkedIn evangelist/obsessionist can ever hope to know. His practical tip? Get your designations like your degree or DogBizcertification ( CFRE for fundraisers ) out and off your title line. It actually pushes you down in the search algorithm. I asked at the session where it could go instead, education and your summary section was the answer. That’s a HUGE tip as it has classic real-estate on business cards and I’ve counselled people before to put it there, heck you earned the designation why not celebrate it! Always something to learn.

I leave you with a thought and question. Perry shared that he’s never had as many questions as he’s had around LinkedIn’s newest feature, Endorsements. Either have I. Of course it’s because they are a “push” and the have LinkedIn sending you emails when you get one. It’s confused and concerned many users. At first, I was concerned as it felt much like Facebook “Likes” and everyone knows how much I dislike Facebook. Then ego set in, at the time of this post I have over 525 endorsements - I am humbled and grateful for every single one of them. But as my buddy Al says, vanity is the devil’s favourite sin. In a great conversation with a peer of mine this week he told me that he too is flattered but several people endorsing him aren’t qualified to do so. I have more endorseendorsements than every one of my business mentors combined, am I more skilled than them? That’s not just laughable but concerning it might look that way to the untrained eye. Criticizing LinkedIn brings me pain, it’s brought me personal success, powerful business relationships but this is a worry that has to be voiced. Here is the BEST read on my personal concerns around this feature, it’s a must read for any LinkedIn power-user. And in the other corner a thought on why they rock.

In 2013, social business is how work will work, not just for small business but all business. This week I had a solid business referral come through twitter. And so I’ll continue to explore it, I hope you’ll join me. I leave you with a great video to remind any sceptic why business professionals need better digital social-skills – enjoy.




Friday, 9 November 2012

Remembering to Remember : November 11


As Canadian treasure Rick Mercer says in the great video below he felt like a “holier than thou tool” when he reminded someone about Remembrance Day. Not my intention to guilt or preach with this post.

It’s something that means a lot to me, as I’ve been on the Soldiers’ Tower Committee at UofT for the better part of a decade. I’m lucky to be one of the only non-military, non-Veteran, non-older members. Why? Me personally, I’m the child of immigrants to Canada. It is a home that has given my family prosperity, peace and joy. When I was at UofT and wandered into Canada’s 2nd largest war memorial and saw the pictures of students like me who went to war to protect the country I enjoy – there was an instant connection. This wonderful group of peers took me in, allowed me to contribute and has taught me so much about the real story of sacrifice and the history of world war.

And so each year now, I take the day off to join my fellow team mates as we coordinate the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the University of Toronto. To reflect and remember in my own personal way.

Many ceremonies will happen today, some will happen on Sunday. Wpoppyherever you are like Rick below, I just encourage you to join me to remember to Remember.

Many thanks to the new Canadian Veterans in my network, the soldiers and reservists who protect us today, tomorrow and beyond.


Saturday, 3 November 2012

AFP Congress 18 Nov Sunday Dinner Networking


Note: This is an unofficial, non-AFP event privately hosted by me.

I had a professional and LIFE changing experience at my first AFP Congress ( my story link here )

Mid-career I was kept away from AFP as a member and participant. Charity fundraising peers you know the excuses: “we don’t have budget”, “only senior staff get to go” “you just started here, be happy you have a job” – and garbage like that.

So I’ve been hosting dinners in the evening around Congress for a few years now, for out of towners, delegates and the rest of us. And make no mistake, respect to AFP, they’ve been nothing but supportive, they want to help fundraisers! That’s why they exist.

fraserCongress has changed dates and I wanted to do something this year on Sunday night, for folks in town over the weekend. I’m already hosting a networking event on the Monday night, I wanted to do something different. Across the province my close peers at Good Works were thinking the same thing. Fraser Green has been a great inspiration to me forleah years, and Leah Eustace and I have been having way too much fun thinking together about better social fundraising for the past couple years…the theme of the conference being collaboration I had an idea to make this event more value – and this senior group of experienced fundraisers have generously accepted to host a series of table clinics to help you actually talk about your challenges and go home with ideas and solutions!jccoach

For the Fundraising Executives who like me treat Congress as a good time to reflect on career path and self-direction, we’ll be joined by a unique coach for fundraisers, Janice Cunning who will host a table as well!

There will be seven tables:

  1. Giving your website a makeover
  2. Integrated fundraising, using more than one medium
  3. What does fundraising in 3D mean?
  4. Better Legacy fundraising. Practical planned giving
  5. My mail programs are killing me
  6. The Evolution of a Fundraising Executive ( with Janice )
  7. Networking for cause and career ( guess whose homarcheyoungesting this table)

Once again I’ll be hosting it at the super collaborative Marche in Brookfield Place – where there’s food for all tastes, special needs and budgets. Also paying is easy so folks can come and go as they please, no pressure.

I’m super pumped about this – ALL are welcome. Fundraisers in Toronto, AFP Congress delegates and those curious about AFP membership, come and see why it is so powerful for a philanthropic-sector professional to join!

AFPCongresswelcomeWe’ll meet between 5:30pm and 6pm. The tables will start discussions at 6pm and keep going officially until 7:30pm but again, I run my events with NO RSVP and no formal programs so you can come and go as needed… so no pressure. Come and leave when you can. If you use LinkedIn feel free to tell me which table you’d like to be at.

A BIG thanks to the fine folks at Good Works for saying yes to this crazy idea, and like so many of the wonderful sponsors and speakers at Congress, stepping forward in support.

Let’s really collaborate. It’s how good ideas happen! I leave you with a thought about where they come from….  Paul

AFP Congress 2012 – Mon 19 Nov Dinner

#AFPCongress is THE biggest/best fundraising conference in Canada. If it was a dude, he’d look like this:


It has evolved into a powerful sharing of ideas, thus the aptly named 2012 theme, “collaboration”.

But I have a beef with many conferences. You’re running from session to session trying to fit in food and bio-breaks, maybe a conversation here or there.  For many folks,it’s hard to network.

So for the past few years I’ve been hosting a dinner the first night so delegates and AFP members in town alike can meet, share ideas and spend some time actually getting to know each other. ideas

You can’t collaborate if you don’t know each other and have a basic relationship built, let’s build some!

SO! We’re going to meet at 6pm at the registration table at Congress, the Metro Toronto Convention Center North

batontoWe’ll be dining only steps from the Convention Centre at the only quiet restaurant nearby at 6:45p, Baton Rouge ( 277 Front St & John St., at the foot of the CN Tower )… we’ll be live tweeting if you want to catch up with us, just follow me at @UinvitedU or the hashtag #AFPCongress

Out of towners and first timers, we’re especially looking to see you. Young professionals who have no budget to attend Congress, this is how to get a glimpse of the pageantry, the awesomeness and be inspired to fight to get there, like I once did. All are welcome, NO RSVP. Just be there.

Also, the great folks at have let me cvbizcardknow they’ll be giving away a free membership to their new nonprofit professional network at the event! Thanks as always CV, I’m looking forward to hearing how the new platform is helping the sector and those who work in it!

Also, if you’re feeling adventurous, my great peer @EmmaLewzey is running another dinner at an Indian restaurant uptown at Banjara ( details here ).

So, here are some pre-conference networking tips to get you ready.

And, heck, with plenary’s like Don’s Jazz (link) and Tony’s Theatre (below) there will be lots to talk about! See you there, Paul 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Star Business Club

As a self-professed “social-business professional” I shouldn’t be surprised, it began with a tweet

From a top contact of mine, Lisa Taylor. Who is also a recognized leader in business around an emerging trend in personal career evolution; the legacy career ( but that’s another post).

unmarketing_book“Paul I know you love Scott Stratten, did you know he’s speaking near your office next week?” – I went nuts. Scott is quickly becoming the professor of social business, his first awesomebook “Unmarketing” was a best seller and I’ve personally recommended it to 1000 people. He just published his second book and a Toronto talk was nowhere on his speaking schedule.

But this was a private talk. To a group I wasn’t aware of, even as a weekly Toronto Star reader. I read articles and knew they have great resources for small business but here is a club to help what Statistics Canada tells us is actually 98% of all employer business in Canada: Small Business!

starbizclubEnter, the Star Business Club

They had Scott in for a talk on social business for their inaugural event this week. What a home run. I heard about the value of this group from the business owners who attended. The case studies in the paper each week, video education, the well resourced private site and I must say as a networking enthusiast myself I could see the result of a club that is curated for quality of membeScottOct2012r vs. an open group for anyone trying to get rick quick. 

My favourite part of Scott’s talk was the power of the third circle of engagement: the revenue of social reach

I also left finally understanding more about how Scott has connected with his tribe worldwide through a VERY unorthodox version of engagement Vs. promotion. It sounds simple but it’s a paradigm shift in how business professionals communicate ( ask me next time you see me ).

In the mean time, BizClub tscottpauleam, you rocked this event:
Thank you for being awesome.
You can join the club here, get LinkedIn and follow them on Twitter – but get on board dear network. This isn’t just a club, it’s a group of peers who care about each other’s success. 

I leave you with my favourite resource for small biz, see you at the next event!

Friday, 26 October 2012

A tiny twitter experiment

One tweet. super-twitter-282x300

Just one.

On a Wednesday night : “Dear Twitter network, my office is having a book sale for @UnitedWayTO – Anyone wanting to donate books, DM I’ll pick them up.”

tweetbooks1Within 24 hours, I had three offers and had to stop taking books for fear I couldn’t deliver them to the department taking them or fit them in my Zipcar! Within one week, three people had given me almost 300 books. If I had taken all offers, I would have had more than 1000 books.

From one random, undirected tweet.

Imagine if there had been real intent or strategy behind that ask? tweetbooks2zip

For the converted, hey you know the power of social media for philanthropy and social business. Let’s remind the naysayers, it’s time to dip your toe in the water!

Create an account, learn the lingo read Unmarketing on why organizations need to invest and for the business set Scott’s new “Book of Business Awesome” will help with that nagging ROI itch too.

On that note, it’s not a big deal to anyone but me, but I crossed 2000 followers on Twitter this week – A humble thanks to all of you who read, respond and engage. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your netunitedwayTOwork!

And to those three people, I thank you – and the United Way of Toronto thanks you too! I leave you with a little video note from them…


Sunday, 21 October 2012

Your personal board of directors

When I share my personal career path, people often say to me “wow, that’s amazing planning” – now, in the rear view mirror of hindsight, hubris and ego make it look like a strategic straight line. Make no mistake it was a white knuckle zig-zag of a ride but by sharing some of my tips, I hope to save you some bumps in the road.

Most people don’t even think about their next job until it’s brutally clear they need to start looking, most start looking and networking only when they have lost a job. I often say that looking for a job when you need one is like looking for a date the morning of Feb 14 or looking for someone to kiss at 11:59pm on New Year’s eve: Oh you’ll find someone, but they will be what you can get, not what you need or deserve.

I refuse to live life with lowered expectations.

And so years ago, I sought out mentors. There are many formal mentoring programs in professional associations. Young people are often told “get a mentor” in University or College. The problem is, those associations are all “pay-to-play” membership based ( which most often young professionals have NO access to) and having just one mentor is putting all your eggs in one basket. Plus I think that the noble sage version of mentorship is outdated – who has the time for 2 hour boozy lunch meetings listening to some wise leadership type pontificate? I was delighted to find that the folks at Harvard Business agree.

Like any corporate or social-profit business/charity: boardofdirectors

You need a personal board of directors.

Here are some personal tips from me on my unorthodox board:

The Dynamic Sector Leader : This leader pulls you up. In my 12 kenlegacyyear career in charities working in bequest and legacy giving, Ken Ramsay has been a mentor of incredible help and inspiration. He has worked in faith-based organizations like myself and has carved a powerfully successful career and gained wisdom along the way. He is at the top of his game and has challenged me to think bigger at every stage of my career. Taking a career risk is so much less scary when the voice of wisdom and experience is whispering “jump, you can do it”. This board member is one you learn from, listen to and watch. Contact with them is infrequent as they are often very very busy. A meeting once a year is a good goal to shoot for. I would recommend choosing someone who is never satisfied with their own status, so they won’t let you get comfy with yours.

The Next Generation : I am privileged to have formed a relationship in my sector of fundraising to teach at Georgian and lead/lecture with Humber College. They have allowed me to create an army of hard working, passionateyoungprofessional young professionals. Frankie Chow is just one of them. These leaders push you forward. They teach you new technologies you may not understand, because as natives to it they live it.  They keep you on your toes, keep you humble because they will call BS on you if it escapes your lips, keep your heart pure and your gratitude level high as walking with them through the challenges of coming up in the world reminds you what you have and what to be grateful for. Frankly, they also scare you a little bit. Seeing them in the rear-view mirror, keeps you running faster forward.

Sector experts. Also known as fellow nerds. People who are just a little ahead of you, not twenty years but five or ten. They are cerebral andRosenfield_Ann1 things you enjoy “thinking” and “doing” they obsess like you and together you can nerd it up without fear of alienating peers. You can’t meet often but they make great twitter peers and conference buddies – smart people who share what they are learning with you. Ann is mine, for every 5 hours I’ve spent thinking about something, she has spent 5 days and has done it for 5 years.

Non-Sector experts. People who do NOT do what you do. For me this is the many successful business entrepreneurs in my network. As a fundraiser I beliewelcome_mat_twitter-455x340ve we are closer to entrepreneurs than we are cubicle dwellers in business. We have so much to learn from them, spending time with people outside your sector brings fresh new ideas to your world. For me, this was the twitteratti who taught me the power of this medium.

The Fixers. These are the expert problem solvers. Often these are alanconsultants with many years business experience who make a living creating clarity. I’m lucky to have on my board Alan Kay who literally is an expert in something called “Solutions Focus”. Studying and learning from him changed my entire life. I often refer him to my network to save organizations from themselves. This position often changes depending on what stage you are in your career, building, leading, creating, consulting.

The Disruptors. These people challenge the status quo. They will often challenge YOUR status quo. I know dozens of peers right now who have good jobs, flexible work environments but they know it’s time for change. But those promodsharmagolden handcuffs are too comfy. I was in this place, I had a nice easy five year plan. Meeting in a Starbucks one Tuesday afternoon Promod ripped up my plan asking questions about what I wanted in my business life. Sharing his wisdom and story, woke me up from my complacency. Watching and learning from him since always keeps me fired up, and on my toes.

Last but never least, the running-partner. These people support but challenge you by being you, maybe better. They can be younger or older but someone you have regular access to and who christinaattardyou keep in touch with often. They push and pull you in micro-ways and coach you from inside the moment as a peer. They are your sounding board and unlike the other directors they are a little more invested in your success. In my life Christina Attard does the same legacy work I do but her activity blogging, in digital communication, in legacy giving keeps me motivated and sometimes annoys me into bucking up by simply outperforming me at my own strengths.

Now, this board will probably never meet. They will probably not know they are “on the board” but they should always feel your gratitude and you should fight hard to be of value to them in their business life. I even created a personal award to say thank you to mine.

So where to start? I leave you with two fabulous resources on this topic: A detailed blog-series on how to set up your board and a brilliant minute-and-a-half coaching video below.

Continued success in all you do, Paul


I hope this post is of value, I encourage you to follow the professionals linked in this post on twitter at : @TheGlassHammer @CDowdHiggins @JerMonson and the ever-awesome @HarvardBiz

Monday, 15 October 2012

Welcome New Twitter Followers

Hello! welcome_mat_twitter-455x340

I wanted to say a special welcome that was longer than 140 characters. Thank you for investing your twitter time with me!

By following me, you will find content on:

You’ll find more about me and my mission statement HERE

This is not a social profile. It’s 95% business ( 5% Other )

I exist to help passionate professionals succeed.

SocialBusinessI am interested in the future of “Social Business” today and tomorrow.

I’m joined in this quest by my corporate and social-profit network. I hope you are part of this tribe.


Most of all, I’m here to serve and help YOU

So please keep in touch, engage and please share your wisdom. It’s something I seek to learn from you.

I leave you with some words of wisdom, tweet you soon.

Thanks again,

Paul Nazareth