The usual wakes, family flying into town and funeral ensued. No one can walk away without a bit of reflection.
I was lucky to have my grandmother for a long time. She met my little guy, her great grandson. Lucky him.
Wouldn't say she had a 'good' death ( like saying you had a 'good' colonoscapy, it is what it is. ) But she had a good life, one I only saw a snapshot of as a grandchild. Things I'm looking forward to learning about: - her middle was Quintera?! - she was a savvy small business owner, when widowed young with 4 kids - she had a lead foot and drove like Nascar?
This is us. She used to insist I looked like local / national weather guy Anwar Knight. Anwar was nice enough to record a Christmas message with me a few years back.
Now, I work in estate and gift planning. I'm also a religious guy. I'm very comfortable around legacies and death and never sugar coat it.
2. Baby boomers!! Get a digital recorder, video or voice and get that life story together, the lessons learned, the fun stuff, the hard stuff, stuff your parents told you - it's your legacy stupid
3. For pete's sake - if you have kids, make a Will, if you've got aging parents encourage them to pre-plan their funeral/burial instructions. It's not morbid, it will save you emotional distress and ensure their wishes are carried out
These days, I get patted on the head a lot Oh, so cute! Paul likes to use social media like the kids do! Do you post what you had for lunch on twitter paulie?
I don't mind, I've always loved flying under the radar. And there are some damn smart people on twitter, I'd rather have them all to myself.
Now, I don't like threats but let me share a secret with you. SOCIAL media is for weekend warriors and tweens. I'm into BUSINESS media. It's about relationships, connecting, dialogue.
I participate to create prosperity and abundance for me, for my network, for you if you're ready.
Here's the thing. One day soon, everyone is going to have to get on board. You know that day is coming, so why wait and be the last to learn? All I'm saying is, start lifting light weight! Create a profile, don't use it. Seriously! In six months, start to try it out. If you start today, you'll have LOTS of time to play with it. Before it becomes your job.
Lastly, we're in new territory what if you could get the one twitter handle that describes your entire sector! It's like cyber-squatting in the early 2000's!
Get out there, I'm right there with you - treading water and learning.
But from today onward I'll have to use a big fat " * "
You see, I've gone from raving fan, to new member of the "Advisory Committee" so when I speak of it I have to "disclose" this connection
BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE - I was a fan first.
Remember when you felt like this about life and your career?
Since I started in fundraising ( as a "planned giving" guy ) over a decade ago I loved my job but there was one challenge I had yet to tackle...
The dreaded conference speaking session. So I tried. And bombed.
Then I was asked to join a team speaking to Humber College students about my beloved CAGP and passion for planned giving - I found my voice.
I also found a program that was more intense, supported and networked than any other I had ever seen. One where the students and faculty shared my passion for this work.
Since then I have been lucky enough to be invited for five years to speak to the class, my covert goal to steal the best. I find the brightest, hungriest who are going to make a powerful contribution to the profession and I support them as much as I can. No secret too that I think the coordinator Ken Wyman is a mensch. Here's why...
And the people I've met, the alumni, the students, the network - frankly it has enriched my life as much as my career
I even teach now at the fantastic Georgian College fundraising program which is national, a different offering than the Humber full time program. Something that would never have happened with out my first opportunity to not just "speak" but "teach" A special thanks to Rob Peacock who gave me the shot in the arm I needed then and now...a mentor to so many.
Humber wasn't a player when I started fundraising. But when I was a young up and coming fundraising professional, with no name/fame - just passion, experience and a clear vision of how a young person could make a difference, Humber invested in me. I'll never forget and will strive to repay that investment, forever.
Can't wait to meet the class of 2012
Take a quick peek at this video, see just one reason this is such a special program Paul