So it's no secret, I spend a lot of time networking in Starbucks.
Not the $6 latte stuff, just plain $2.21 Americano coffees ( no more eating donuts every day!! )
I hope you're reading this because you're a fellow junkie/patron.
Together we can use this daily habit/addiction to help others.
So, it's no secret also, that I work in philanthropy (fundraising, for the layperson).
If you switch to the "Starbucks Red" card for your prepaid use every purchase will generate 5 cents for Project Red to help people with AIDS in Africa.
It's something you're doing anyway, as a time saver if you want to switch to a RED card and there are none at your local Starbucks ( they go quickly at some ) I have scored about 100 full size and keychain size cards.

I have also put $5 randomly on ten of them and will send you one or more in the mail if you use it and if possible share this message with others.
Email me at paulnazareth at rogers dot com.
What is Project Red? Where does the money go and what has it done?
Click here to find out.
So far since 2006 it's raised over 150 million dollars for their cause.
Lastly for Startucks users DON'T forget to register your card online.
Did you know what you can do with a registered pre-paid card?
- Free refills on coffee or tea ( brewed or iced )
- 2 hours free daily wireless internet
- Free flavour shots in your coffee
- Free beverage on your birthday
Disclaimer and thanks:
No disrespect to Tim Horton's. I still do a ton of business in there and if I'm on the road it's Tims ( because there are no Starbucks drive-through's downtown. Curse you 905!! ).
To all lawyers and financial planners who converted me ( not to mention visiting Los Angeles where it's the only place to get a decent cup of coffee ) - thank you.

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