About 30 of us gathered to celebrate something special, the 15th birthday of Charity Village .com
I am one of this site's biggest professional fans.
We share a mission statement: "Dream big. Make it happen"
We share a purpose. Helping others with both tasks.
Who on the internet can claim to have been and continues to change lives since 1995? You can read the story and the facts if you like.
All I know is that my first job and every one since was from this site.
I use it every single week to help me in my work, help others with their work and improve the lives of others.
The site is staffed by good people, many whom I have met over my short career in non-profit. Some of whom joined us at this wonderful event.
I learned three things from this networking birthday party:
1. It never ceases to surprise me that true leaders, "changemakers" as CV calls them, are wise but humble people that are very focused on what they do. Unlike the arrogant noisy A.D.D. types that cling to their titles and blackberry's, or who often dominate business networking and entrepreneurial gatherings. Looking at a few dozen people in a room, you would be hard pressed to seek out the leadership team of this successful corporation.
2. The Cake is DEAD! Long live the cupcake! Event planners h

3. Truly wise kings aren't about protecting treasure. They are the treasure. When I hold these events I often try to find a venue that is accessible but is also run or owned by a customer service killer. Most people don't know this but I LOVE the Annex. It's where my heart lives, I reside far away and

The event was all I hoped it could be.
Thanks to dynamic folks that made time to attend.
A celebration, great networking and connections made, a new resource discovered. Life was a little brighter that day.
Hope to see you at the next event. Until then...
Dream Big. Make it Happen. - Thanks CV.
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