So! The conference is upon us.

CAGP 2011 And I have a lot of favours to repay.
Early in my career when I got into town
I'd wander the first night to eat alone with a newspaper.
Peers accosted me, took me to dinner. Networked, taught me, we had fun.
Now. You're in MY house, it's payback time and this time. It's personal.
So! Networking offer #1.
Tuesday night April 12. I'll be in the hotel lobby at 6ish.
I have five people already coming out.
Join us and we'll go for dinner nearby.
Nothing fancy, just peers starting the networking off early.
Email me at paulcnazareth at gmail dot com
or @UinvitedU on Twitter
Networking offer #2

Saturday morning April 16th.
A few of us will gather in the hotel lobby at 10am
( sleep in for pete's sake! )
We'll go for breakfast and I'll be driving
six people to the airport at noon and six at 2pm.
Seriously, people did this for me in Vancouver, Halifax and Banff.
Have a great conference.
Say hello, I'd love to help you enjoy my town!
I don't like Toronto, I love it and I'd love to show you why.
Thanks for the chance to meet, listen and learn.
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