I am fascinated by art and the conversations it creates
both internal and external
Much of my network loves Toronto too
Many of them are Dragonboaters who practice at Sunnyside
Others love art and need an excuse to get down to the lake...
Too many don't know about this amazing art event each September
Take a gander
Sure you have to get there but I'm writing to my business network to ask you to consider sponsoring an event that supports not just art but engagement in our beloved city.
I've crunched the numbers, affordable sponsorship rates,
good location, good traffic, three days of visibility
great media coverage
and because it's a sale, you reach a quality target market.
I have the direct hook-up to the contacts and rates
or you can contact them yourself.
Either way, please share:
Video: http://youtu.be/CMaPA-XnZTM
Site: http://www.artinitiatives.ca/sunnyside
Tweet away! @sunnyside_art
Angelika and Ania, what a great job you do of spreading the word...
Long live Toronto, love life and public art
See you there, Paul

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