If you read my post last year you'll know that I chose the crab because it's a food you can only eat with focus, with people close to you because it's messy and it's rare.
These four people have proved themselves my MVP's of 2011.
Last year was about focus and refinement. They helped me change my world, and it did change with a massive job move that was beyond my wildest dreams - it would NOT have happened with out the GC's of 2010.
The GC's of 2011 were chosen again using my handy excel networking tracking sheet (exported from LinkedIn ofcourse) that helps me remember:
- Who collaborated with me to connect the most
- Who is a great tag-team networker in virtual and reality reality?
- Who do I admire for something they created of value to my network
- Who pushed me to do something amazing? And who pushes others too?
- Who acted with vicious integrity, unwavering kindness and consistency?
- Who created a strong brand of their own, taught me how to use it to help others?
These ( in no order ) are my Golden Crabs for 2011.
* There is no physical reward for this award only my undying gratitude, respect, admiration and servitude
John Lepp - It was John who showed me the power of social media in late 2009. His are the words I have used

Another team member in my social media journey is Clare McDowall. I fe

I would remiss if I didn't note that John and Clare also showed me the power of a device I hated simply because it came from the wrong side of the digital tracks. The iPad. Seeing Clare in action and John's advice help me overcome my PC upbringing and dive in to a new world.
The youngest GC is Brock Warner. Another rider in my social media posse his greatest value came from being the ultimate tag-team networker wh

Last but certainly not least the lone un-fundraiser, Lisa Taylor. If I was a robot, I would

Shout outs to a few institutions that rose above this year:
- the Hilborn team for having a 2.0 dialogue with your loyal supporters
- PG Growth and GPIC for championing my beloved Gift Planning
- Georgian College for giving me a shot to make a difference
- Humber College for not resting on laurels and inviting me to party
- Hutchison Smith for their new endeavour "Charity Executive"
- Crawford Connect, research in fundraising employment excellence
- Again, Stephen Thomas for creating
- Zipcar for continuing to be my customer service gold standard
- Starbucks Canada for showing the corporate sector how to tweet 2.0
If you are reading this, I hope this post makes you ask who was of most value in your professional life this past year? If you want an intro to these folks, let me know.
I'm grateful for the chance to recognize them publicly and to YOU dear reader for finding some value in this post.
A big thanks to the hundreds in my network who help and fight for me. Know that I'm in your corner, ready to spring into service - just ask, invite, call, tweet, post...
I exist for and because of my network.
Let's get out there and kick 2012's ass.
Crabs, a standing O for you...and a tribute from the fab four...
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