For me, it's in my blood.
A big reason I left home at a very early age is that my mother is a very good cook and I needed my own kitchen to experiment.
I am afflicted with a rare disorder called I.G.S. : Italian Grandmother Syndrome
Which means if you come over you'll eat too much but leave very happy.
I hosted a friday night bbq dinner party for two years straight. And I loved it.
With a team of 200, we fed 5000 homeless a year out of our Church Hall at a Toronto "Out of the Cold" site. I ended my duties as lead coordinator, head chef so to speak.
If I didn't have to "work" for a living, this is what I'd do.
Life has changed in a wonderful way since then.
Marriage. Cat. Dog. Baby.
Which means, meals now...look like this.
So instead of packing up all my entertaining stuff...I hope to build successors to my host-with-the-most legacy
Are you a young person who hosts others at your dwelling?
Can I give you serving trays, special utensils etc..?
I have some $200 bar stools that I want to find a good home
Futon for the guest room or to add seating space etc..
If you're in my network and want to rock 2011 - please make contact
paulnazareth at rogers.com
With your help, I'll become the Cosby sweater wearing, bad joke making, minivan driving, spending all hours at home boring loving Dad I need to be!
Thanks for the help.