Let me just go on a tangent for a second. I WANT THAT TIE/POCKET SQUARE COMBO - I've been scouring the internet - I will pay anything. *ahem* back to the topic at hand.
Three smart cookies got me thinking....
Malcolm Burrows asked about a digital estate plan
Promod Sharma went through a social media black out
Susan RoAnne asked the question....service or spam?
We have insurance for our physical stuff...what about our digital stuff?
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge promoter of LinkedIn.
I don't use Facebook and haven't invested in other social media
(ok, I have a Twitter account - but because it's connected to my LinkedIn!)
I have put all my eggs in one basket.
I have important contacts in there
Blog posts with ideas I want to remember
Recommendations that are important to my career
Book reviews of great reads
If LinkedIn starts to pull a Facebook, or if the service goes down or under

What then?
Thanks for the thought!
So I backed as much as I can up today.
Nothing huge, just cut and paste into Word.

But if there's a digital disaster... I'll be ok.
Something you might want to consider?
Go on the attack, do it right now.
(Ps. LinkedIn has a really cool "export" into Excel function!! )
After all, the best defense...

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