He answered that it was an old architect trick, open the building and wait for the people who use it to wear a path in the grass. It will be the most convenient path between two points of importance the architect may never understand....but it is critical to them - and so he waits -and makes a formal path there later.
I believe - that people vote with their feet.
Here on the interwebs people vote with clicks
So, hoping it's of value to you, this is what you told me were the most valuable reads of 2011:
LinkedIn Tips
I don't want your resume
Who's got your back? The secret partner
Young NonProfit Canada - A new community
Business Cards
Social Media Breakfast - Secrets of LinkedIn
2010 Golden Crab Awards
Some folks don'

because not everyone can follow my Amazon book list on LinkedIn
Here are the top five reviews readers chose in 2011
The New Leader's 100 Day Action Plan
UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging
LinkedIn Log - The greatest resource on LinkedIn yet!
Top 7 must read books on Networking
Books dealing with bosses and trouble at work
As we head into 2012 I hope to continue to be of value,
thanks for investing your time with me and remember, when I say
"I'm at your service"
I mean it.
So get in touch and keep in touch.
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