Greetings and welcome new Twitter follower! I wanted to go beyond just the standard "thank you for following me" line.
But I am grateful for the follow and your time.
MyPersonal Mission statement: Promote purposeful passionate people to help them reach professional and personal potential while enjoying life to the fullest.
I am here to help you. To add value.
Besides Twitter, you might consider connecting with me on LinkedIn but only if we can do business that will benefit you. My trademark seeker statement: "If hindsight is 20/20, I want to view life using the clear vision of others learned wisdom"
That's where you come in. Please share, teach and guide. I am listening.
My only requirement for Tweeps is that we use our time to help others whenever possible.
This is going to be a confusing post. It won't have as much of a point as usual.
Just a comment that really rocked me this morning. Here's why. Yesterday while doing the big "dish wash" on Saturday afternoon I was listening to this rather deep show on deathon CBC's Tapestry
That night I watched a surprisingly well told story by Clint Eastwood- Hereafter ( don't hate on Matty D until you see it )
Before I went to sleep a chapter of one of the greateststories of love and loss was on TV ( don't judge!!! ) It is the story of the danger of "the fear of loss" What it can lead us to do.
So this morning while listening to a random CBC show on "forgiveness"
I heard a father talking about something his daughter said to him before she was killed in an accident: "Don't cry because it's over....Smile because it happened."
I think about loss a lot. It's part of my job, of all our lives. I would love to hear your opinion some time.
I'm getting tired of being tackled every damn time I take a picture for Twitter or a blog post
So I've gotten in the habit of asking 1. Can I take a picture to promote you 2. Do you have a Twitter handle?
The answer is usually: 1. Wow thank you! 2. Haa haha Social Media is stupid, what is Twitter?
So I work in a new area now and I was out and about today for lunch Working with events over the years I am a sucker for sharp, beautifully arranged flowers Today I saw a whole shop of near perfection and had to just stop and stare, and Tweet!
I walked in and asked my questions and had to stop at #1
"No no you can't take any pictures, we've had some funny business"
Looking at the Pistil website, I get it. They have signature stuff. But like Seth Godin says, if your art is a secret and you must patent/defend it You don't make art, you make widgets
The art is you and your work and your relationship with your customer
So *phew* good news Pistil! I'm nobody, I'm not a customer Tell me to shut up and get out, you lost nothing I won't be up to any funny business
But the last thing you'll get from me my business
Ironic that it was held at a bar called "Proof". Although the bar alludes to Vodka, this event to me is proof that someone out there is willing to invest in young talentat a time when the sector is grinding them up like sausage meat. Took guts to make networking the main event. And damn it worked! But I digest....
Thoughts from a night of high impact networking...
Several people commented that I cheated and brought my own nametag If you ever see me, I NEVER wear lanyards. They are networking death Always turned the wrong way, they direct your attention down to the stomach And I gots enough problems going on around there, why direct your attention to the scene of the crime?! BTW: Here's where to wear it....
No, we all have those "work" magnetic nametags now. So....just take that one and slip it in the nametag! Also, an idea discussed on Twitter by my social media mentors: Leah, Kimberley and Claire - write your handle on all nametags!
More brilliance? Check out the five tips they sent out the day before:
1. Bring a stack of business cards, you just never know 2. Download the attendee list here 3. Like us on facebook, if you haven't already. (Facebook sucks, follow them on LinkedIn) 4. Are you on twitter? Use the hashtag #YNPcanada to find other YNP'ers 5. Got a smartphone? Download these 2 free apps: Bump & RedLaser
Take note AFP and CAGP conference committee's. 1,2 and 4 should be a "must" before all professional gatherings. Period.
Lastly, I set up about 15 coffee meetings for later.. but a word of comment... Can we retire the phrase "pick your brain" Leave that to the zombies.
Some solid networking done but my favourite part was watching Ken Wyman work the room for his students This is a guy who has seen success, has done his bit for King, Queen & country advocates, works hard, he hustles for those in his care.
He goes beyond educator, to shepherd A bodhisattva of sorts, here to help others find their voice Something the great Steven Covey stresses in the 8th habit
There is no patron saint for fundraisers, a big beef of mine and sure Ken's not dead yet, far from it but I'm going to start gathering my papers to make a case-for-support ( pardon the pun )
AFP honoured him, he is well known in the community Fundraising, young professionals, we all owe this guy a debt of gratitude He raises the bar on humanity, humility and professional excellence Sure he's not as ripped as his enviro-peer David But Whatta man......
My session was a short version of my human mission statement:"Passion for people, networking for cause and career".
As you know I'm going through a bit of a metamorphosis right now.... As BOTH Peter Parker and Seth Brundle once said: "Something is happening to me"
I gave a session that was unfettered by the baggage I've carried for years working in non-profit. It was exhilarating. And I have no idea what the future holds but my joy yesterday was made so much more powerful by people who continue to impact me. As usual...I'll name names: Scott Fortnum embodies passionate professionalism with joy and an open heart
Tania Little an expert fundraiser and social media guide where few exist right now
Deborah LeGrove breaks down the ingredients of excellence in a sector that shows little value for it Fraser Green continues to push us to FEEL the power of philanthropy ( and our own humanity ) in the middle of a heartless paper driven sector
and I wouldn't be at Georgian if not for the mentorship and support of Linda Clemow and Kim Goggins
At one point I said something that years ago would have got me fired.... A rant but important point about blackberry's....and got spontaneous applause?
On my drive home and now on my drive up to my fortress of solitude, UofT's Hart House Farm, where I go to reflect between every job change for the past 15 years
I'm listening to the soundtrack for "Wicked" These two characters embody the personal war I'm fighting.
The "good witch" , the world of charity, seemingly knoble but often dysfunctional and unkind
The "bad witch" of for-profit who is easy to hate but whose intentions are often pure...
I'm off to think and reflect, something busy people never do. I haven't for years. Wise mentors push me to stop and think often. I am so grateful to these and the dozens of other peers who lead and teach me
My question to you is, who are your teachers? Your personal board of directors? Have you told them what they do for you? Is it time for a board meeting, turnover?
I leave you with a song about how I feel at this very moment. Thanks for reading!
Big change in my career right now An identity shift
Yesterday I was a medium sized fish in a small pond Today I'm like a booger floating in the ocean
But it goes deeper that that - ironically I've been speaking about this shift publicly for years When a non-profit professional moves over to for-profit they call it "turning to the dark side". I remember when a great peer of mine moved. It was tragic to watch them being treated differently
I always found this attitude incredibly ignorant. So I shared this opinion and warned peers the risk they were taking --- that annoying and maybe insulting a valuable network contact whose influence has just tripled may be the wrong move.
So I just made that move. As you can see at my "coming out party" last night I couldn't pass up the opportunity to poke fun...
But both I and you, dear network, have a few months.
Come fall 2011. I'll stop making the jokes. When you say it, I won't be mean or embarrass you. I'll probably smile, but come nightfall, There will be one less trusted peer in my network
This is not a threat
I am always working to test the best in my network to offer my opportunity and resources to propel you further, faster But as always, I demand an attitude of abundance, kindness and humility (and you should demand it from me, always)
We've got a battle to fight, some heavy lifting to do. And as a wise-guy said, "do or do not"....